Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Fall Festival

The elementary school had it's annual Fall Festival on Saturday. The Fall Festival is put on by the PTO to generate funds for their projects throughout the school year. Once again, I ran the Bake Sale to benefit the playground fund. My fundraising efforts aren't what they were last year when we raised about $15,000 and built a new playground, but I do continue to try to raise funds to continue to make improvements on the playground. We would still like to put an 8-seat swing set out there for the kids and that takes money. So, I run the Bake Sale and all the money raised there goes into the playground fund. Last year was my first year handling the Bake Sale and we made almost $750. This year, I wasn't as involved in it because of dealing with our loss, but I still "ran" it and we still did well. I had more help this year in organizing it and in working the tent on Saturday as well. So far, we've made about $560 for the playground and we have the potential to make a little more as there are still some cookies and goodies at the school and we are hoping that the teachers are buying some of those.

The boys had a great day on Saturday at the Fall Festival. Ninny and PawPaw were there for a while and they walked around and did activities with the kids. The boys all had their hair painted crazy colors and then played Go Fish and guess what? They all came home with a goldfish! Just like last year!! Oh well, goldfish aren't too much work. Grandma and Grandpa came to the Fall Festival, too, and they also walked around with the boys and then bought funnel cake. Yum! My mom also made her famous coconut cake for the Bake Sale and Barbara made coconut cream pie and pecan pie. All those items sold easily. I am so thankful to have family nearby and that they are willing to help with the kids and anything else we ask for!

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