Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas at my Parents'

For 18 years now, my family has gathered on Christmas Eve at my parents' house to exchange gifts between siblings. Even though my brothers and I were still living at home then, my sister was living on her own. So, beginning then and every year since (except the two years I was in California -- I wasn't there, but everyone else was), we all exchange gifts on Christmas Eve. That's also when all the kids get their gifts from Ninny and PawPaw. This year, my brother (Troy), sister-in-law (Amber) and nephew (Grady) are out of town for Christmas, so we got together on Friday evening instead of Christmas Eve. Jackson was sick with the flu, so his visit was delayed until after Troy, Amber and Grady were gone. Since they were about to be traveling, we did our best to not expose them to the flu. So, we opened gifts with them and let Grady have his gifts and then Adam and Jackson joined the rest of the family after they left.

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